Microhuasca is looking for new roles (aug 2022)



Present in Latin America and more than 15 countries, Microhuasca is expanding its mission to consciously transform health with Ayahuasca in a responsible way.

We have identified bottlenecks and weak spots and are looking to increase the size of the team. The roles of Educators and Community Development Lead are a higher priority and integral to offering our programs in English (intro (en), training (en)). Other roles are important, but will be added as we have the appropriate resources to support the additional staff/contributors.  In the meantime, current team members will continue to operate as best they can to cover any gaps, just as they have been doing up to this point.

Issues to be addressed

English Language Program Offering.

Up to this point the Microhuasca programs have been offered in Spanish (intro (es), training (es)) and the team is looking to extend its reach to an English speaking audience. Some of the core team members speak English, but the team feels that having fluent English speakers as high level educators/lecturers in the English programs will be necessary and helpful to ensure smooth communication throughout their duration, and to ensure an adequate level of knowledge and credibility for this more experienced and high-profiled market.

Overburdened core team with not enough focus on Community Development and lead generation.

Currently, Microhuasca has been able to bring new participants for their microdosing programs with a grassroots effort of word of mouth and with many team members filling in where they can. Some core team members are noticing that they are responsible for more than they can handle and some aspects of the organization are not getting the attention and focus they deserve. The team recognizes that appointing a single individual to oversee the governance of a community development program would help to bring new participants as well as free up some energy and attention from some of the other core team members.

Criteria for Candidacy

While we have identified roles that we would like to find new team members to fill, the first priority is that new team members are identified as being in alignment with the stated values and purpose of the organization. The appropriate candidates will be able to demonstrate, through their behavior and communication:

  1. Alignment with Microhuasca’s core purpose:

    “Transforming people's health from an integral and conscious perspective.”

  2. Alignment with Microhuasca’s core values:

  • We care for people with love: We put service to users' wellbeing first. Our team is a family that values transparency, fairness and vulnerability.

  • We're all interconnected: We're a structured, aware and cohesive community, and we act and share prosperity as one. We recognize the physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual in other beings and our actions.

  • We're adaptable: We learn and decide from results and feedback, and we question and think beyond the conventional. We start from the objective or problem. We know what we don't know and look for help.

  • We're relentlessly resourceful: We're committed, accountable and focused, without forcing flow. We humbly know our worth, and passion makes us think big, start small and move fast.

  • We're open scientists and creators: Knowledge should be free, actionable, useful and non-dogmatic. We trust our instincts while being cautious and informed.

No matter the skill or experience that a candidate might possess, if they are not in alignment with the stated focus and values, they are not likely to find a good functional fit within the team. 

Roles to be Filled

Educators/Lecturers - English

In order to offer our microdosing programs to an English speaking audience there needs to be high level educators/lecturers that can help guide program communications. These persons have thorough experience as a psychedelic therapist, coach or traditional healer, and will help adapt the Spanish programs for an English speaking audience and ensure communications are smooth and effective to English speakers.

The Introductory Program for Microdosers (EN) will start in October 2022, and the Training Program for Microdosing Professionals (EN) will start in January 2023.

Specific responsibilities:

  • Recording English versions of video classes that are currently done in Spanish. 

  • Respond to offline questions to help clarify or detail specific content during Microhuasca’s English Program.

  • Attend some of Microhuasca’s English program community sessions.

Community Development Lead:

Microhuasca is starting to shift its focus from a traditional marketing and sales driven revenue model to a more community based model. The Community Development Lead is responsible for building and maintaining an engaged group of users and supporters.  We believe that a thriving community will serve as our best “marketing” and “sales”, and to add value in other areas like product development. A thriving and vibrant community will help our knowledge and programs to reach a broader audience and transform the health and wellbeing of more people around our planet.

The appropriate candidate for this role will be able to generate/develop/curate community engagement opportunities where people can learn about the programs as well as communicate with the team and with each other as a form of mutual support and encouragement.  Examples might include but are not limited to: workshops, webinars, community “town hall meetings”, Twitter spaces, pre-recorded videos, etc. 

In this context, the definition of community (users and supporters) might include but is not limited to: Microhuasca team members, users, potential users, ex users, students, potential students, graduated students, facilitators, allies (individuals or organizations), potential allies, general public interested in psychedelics (not expected to participate in our programs), etc.

The Community Development Lead will also inform the sales funnel that can guide community members towards involvement in one of the upcoming microdosing programs or facilitator training programs. This includes the oversight and/or creation of web based static information about the program and its community. 

Specific Responsibilities: 

  • Lead and Govern the Community Development team 

    • Identify roles to build out the team

    • Orchestrate team activities as it grows

    • Evaluate the team

  • Build and maintain an engaged group of users and supporters

  • Sales Funnel strategy

  • Generalized guidance on PR and how the organization is perceived

  • Planning and execution of Institutional Relations

  • Contribute to Core Team Meetings with insight and information based on activity in your team and from your experience. 

Some resources on building community:

Other projects our team has co-founded that you could optionally get involved with:

Compensation Model

Microhuasca’s compensation model during this time of transition is a balance between providing stable compensation to contributors with the reality that our revenue is not yet where it needs to be to adequately compensate our team at market rate.

With that said, we’re implementing a “prosperity sharing” program, intended to act as a bridge between now and the time when we reach stable increased revenues. It serves as a reward for those that are willing to build with us as we grow, even through the uncertainty. The first part of compensation is a stable base rate that can remain predictable for all team members for a determined period of time. The second part consists of the prosperity share (%).

At regular and appropriate intervals, Microhuasca’s core team will evaluate the organization's finances. They will set a target for retained earnings (which will include budgeting for social programs like indigenous integration or conservation) and also include a budget forecast. All revenue above the targeted retained earnings for the period can be allocated to the prosperity pool. The prosperity share can then be allocated to each role according to the role’s prosperity share percentage.

In this way, we are all interconnected in creating value together as a community and sharing prosperity as one.

Join us

If you want to join us in any of these roles or know/have heard of/admire someone who might, please leave your information so we can get in touch.

For more info, please write to Álvaro Zárate at alvaro@microhuasca.com or Whatsapp: https://wa.me/51988082145

Candidate Information


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