See our Program for Microdosers
1. Summary
Ayahuasca is a sacred plant from the Amazon known for its traditional use in ceremonies with indigenous teachers, who use it to help people deepen the connection with themselves and learn to heal physical or emotional conditions in ways that conventional medicine has not been able to achieve.
A microdose of Ayahuasca is between 5 and 20% of a full (ceremonial) dose of Ayahuasca, with subtle effects that allows participants to progressively and consciously assimilate aspects of themselves and their environment, by harmonizing daily life from where it is most necessary.
In this program, students will train as microdose facilitators, through methods that include (1) taking microdoses for their personal and professional development in the field, (2) real practice of therapeutic support to users, (3) theory and (4) professional practice in research, development or innovation opportunities.
Duration: 10 months
Start: The experiential level will begin on February 28, 2023.
Sessions are via Zoom and you will receive the access to the platform and the first educational video content from Feb 28.
US$ 6,000
US$ 950 (first 6 weeks) + US$ 5050 (rest of the program)
After an interview at the end of the 6 weeks, you will have an interview to assess your availability and aptitude. You will then be informed about the approval of your continuity and therefore you will be able to choose the payment plan that best suits you.
Collaborations and Opinions:
From Peru we have created a world-class program with protocols, methods and tools successfully implemented in organizations such as the Microdosing Institute of the Netherlands or Cercle Transpersonal of Spain, and recognized by microdosers and experienced professionals as one of the microdosing programs with the best structure and effectiveness.
Co-founders of Microhuasca have recently founded the International Microdosing Association (IMA) , together with prominent players in the ecosystem and Dr. James Fadiman, the greatest exponent recognized as the "Father of the Modern Use of Microdosing".
"I am stunned and delighted by what you have created. It is the finest and clearest and most complete framework I have ever seen about microdosing. It truly feels like the next generation of how we understand and use microdoses is here and that you guys are leading us all."
Dr. James Fadiman (USA), author "Psychedelic Explorer's Guide", co-founder of the International Microdosing Association
“It is surprising how professionals who work with microdoses have found the Microhuasca model so transformative. It seems to me that it is the most complete and effective currently in the field."
Jakobien Van Der Weijden (Netherlands), co-founder of the Microdosing Institute and the International Microdosing Association
“Microhuasca's work model proposes new bases on what is already being innovated in the field of psychedelics and the most advanced therapies in this regard. It is exciting what is brewing from Latin America.”
Dr. Antoni Aguilar (Spain) - founder at CERCLE Transpersonal
Contact: or whatsapp: (+51 991346222)
2. Program Achievements and Curriculum
At the end of the program participants will be able to accompany microdose users within a therapeutic context , and know how to guide them to achieve a successful microdose process.Theory and practice on the following topics will be adressed:
The 4 dimensions of manifestation of microdoses: physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual
Set & Setting for microdosing: The 50 Integration Components model
Model of learning and action with expanded states of consciousness
Use and analysis of the Integration Navigator , a tool for facilitators
Reading and analysis of frequent, complex or special anonymous cases ( User Logs and Facilitator Navigators )
Dosing User Assistance: The Incremental Calibration Model
Assistance to users in landing their intention and understanding what they want to work on
Assistance to users to identify and integrate insights or disclosures
Assistance to users towards taking action
Assistance to users in their nutritional care (diet)
Assistance to users in their guarding their energy (related to leisure, money, sexuality, female cycles, use of electronics, dense situations)
Assistance to users in the care of their environment (social, cultural, personal relationships, work, academic, physical space)
Assistance to users on the care, use and crossing with other substances
Assistance to users in taking care of their mentality (mental barriers, expectations, commitment)
Assistance to users in diving into the use of amplifiers of expanded states of consciousness (nature, meditation, music, art, physical exercise)
Assistance to users in being involved in a community of users for their therapeutic process
Assistance to users in the use of a blog as a therapeutic tool
Assisting users with challenging integration components
Assistance in special user cases
Active listening methods and techniques
Organization and direction of conversation circles between users
Organization and direction of conversation circles between professionals and facilitators
Organization and management of group microdose programs
Recruit, evaluate and filter users suitable for processes with microdoses
Identify relevant medical aspects for microdosing processes and how to work with specialists
Management of teams of facilitators and professionals
Ethics and confidentiality
Scientific thought
Dogmatic questions about Ayahuasca and its use in microdoses
Nexus and work with indigenous or traditional teachers: How to integrate beyond reciprocity
Conservation: Recovery and sustainability of Ayahuasca and other master plants
Publication and visibility of results
3. Methodology
Average weekly dedication: 6 to 8 hours. Candidates with specific previous professional experience could access a decrease in the total hours required.
Personal Process with Microdosing
Requirement to complete: 3 months of microdosing Ayahuasca
> In your first 6 weeks Participants will carry out a microdose process in the user role.
Experiential Approach: Guided experience taking microdoses. The process will open your sensitivity to learning about yourself, your environment and the world. You will integrate the lessons that you will receive from the microdoses in your personal development with the accompaniment of a facilitator.
Community Focus: Experience as a member of a community that supports each other. You will have interactions with your peers in the user community that will promote therapeutic bonds and help you enhance your experience. This includes providing and receiving support with another participant in a supervised way (first accompaniment practice).
Ancestral Approach: Integrate the importance of indigenous knowledge in the work with master plants. You will integrate fundamentals of the Amazonian use of Ayahuasca adapted to the context of microdosing in your periodic practices of introspection and connection with the plant, recognizing the importance of indigenous ancestral wisdom and science within a serious process of using Ayahuasca.
Week 1: Preparation
Your first steps begin with your approach to the traditional context of Ayahuasca, the Amazonian Ayahuasca worldview, the food and energy diet and the exercise of defining your intention to start your process.
Week 2: The experience begins
Commencing the dosing process, participants are able to recognize the effects that will manifest in 4 dimensions (physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual) here, they will learn to microdose with the incremental calibration method.
Week 3: Navigate the discoveries and revelations
Participants will understand their experiences as part of a dynamic system that explains the learning and transformation with microdoses of Ayahuasca, from the dynamic interrelation of the main results and components to care for.
Week 4: Connect with the plant
From the ancestral perspective, participants learn how Ayahuasca heals in macro and microdoses, and learn to take care of the interpretation of the lessons while maintaining an adequate posture to make the healing and self-knowledge process long lasting.
Week 5: Make your results sustainable
Participants will analyze and relate experiences and that of their colleagues to find patterns or signs of changes in habits that they could pursue to make their results sustainable
Week 6: Integration
Recognize together with your facilitator, and our experts and the Microhuasca Community, which ways of seeing, interpreting and acting towards life you feel have changed during your process, and how you can make this transformation lasting over time.
> At the end of the first microdose process , you can choose when to continue taking guided doses for as long as you require, for a minimum of 3 months in total.
Participants may choose or change the frequency of their doses , circles or log usage at their personal discretion. The process is expected to be coordinated with the assigned partner. Full access to the following tools will remain:
Community circles and workshops (group support)
Mutual accompaniment (one-on-one supervised support with learning partner)
Therapeutic emergency sessions (one-on-one support with specialists)
Logbook (self-report tool)
About obtaining Ayahuasca in your country: We don't ship Ayahuasca or Psilocybin out of Peru. In case you do not have access to your own medicine, let us know. Any coordination to get your medicine is under your own responsibility, and the price is not part of the Program fee.
Theoretical Training
Requirement to complete: 70 hours of material and theoretical sessions.
Study material, guidelines and live sessions for theory and for the integration of learning. Includes all 34 achievement and resume topics.
Practical Training
Requirement to complete: 256 hours of accompanying and working with users (10 users).
When you graduate from the training program, you will have applied the theory by providing support to at least 10 users in their processes with microdoses . You will first practice with your learning partner (program partner) and then with Microhuasca users, international allied programs or your own.
Research, Development and Innovation
It is not a requirement to complete. You can participate whenever you want.
You will be able to get involved in the community as a pioneering professional in the sector creating, analyzing or disseminating. You can participate in:
Microhuasca microdose group programs, for different countries, audiences or needs (creation, organization, execution, facilitation)
Microdose programs of other institutions or centers (creation, organization, execution, facilitation)
Creation, organization and execution of your own microdosing group program
Creation and execution of new protocols, systems, models or working methods with microdoses
Exploration of joint work opportunities with master healers
Organization or participation in events, programs or podcasts dedicated to this area (own or as a guest)
Dissemination of analysis and conclusions as web content or social networks
Academic research projects
4. The Science of Ayahuasca

At Microhuasca we are researching, building and applying safe protocols for assisted processes with microdoses of Ayahuasca, which, unlike conventional pharmacology, not only relieve symptoms but also work to heal from the root through introspection, so that later you no longer need to use it. In this program we will share first-hand what we have learned and observed by studying more than 200 cases that we have personally facilitated.
New studies highlight its usefulness for depression, anxiety, dependencies and other human conditions. Check out our basic collection of 40 scientific articles and resources that have been referenced for our research and development.
5. Program Designers
Federico Infante Ph.D., transpersonal psychologist (Peru)
Transpersonal psychologist specialized in microdosing ayahuasca. Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Co-Founder of Microhuasca and responsible for therapeutic developments
He leads the development of the integration component browser (set and setting) for microdoses, which allows facilitators to address the benefits and challenges of their users from more than 50 areas.
President of the Transpersonal Association of Peru
Teaching Member of the Mexican Association of Psychology and Transpersonal Development (AMPYDET)
Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technological University of Peru (UTP) and in the Faculty of Psychology of the César Vallejo University (UCV)
Supported the start of the Ayahuasca Treatment Outcome Project ATOP Peru from the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (Devida)
He supports his psychotherapeutic interventions in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, complemented by the Humanistic and Psychodynamic proposal, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Ericksonian Hypnotic Induction.
Ronald Rivera, ayahuasca healer (Peru)
Dedicated full time, for 25 years, to conducting sessions, workshops, retreats and diets with ayahuasca
Co-Founder of Microhuasca and responsible for ancestral developments
Leads the development of the food and energy diet system for ayahuasca microdoses
Vice President and Pucallpa Coordinator of the Institute of Transcultural Health and Traditional Medicines Nimairama
Director of Ayahuasca Wisdom in Pucallpa, Peru
Conduct research on post-materialistic aspects of ayahuasca science such as remote healing
He studied Philosophy at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM)
Author of the book: "Art with Ayahuasca" (2015)
Co-author of the book: "Ayahuasca de la Selva su Espiritu" (2013)
Ana Platzer, transpersonal coach (Peru)
Coach specialized in non-ordinary states of consciousness and medicine woman working for 18 years in the Peruvian Amazon
Co-founder of Microhuasca and responsible for the network of facilitators, quality and well-being
Leads the training program for ayahuasca microdose facilitators, which brings together a network of professionals in more than 10 countries
Specialized in Gestalt therapeutic approach, certified by the Gestalt Center of Peru
Coach certified by the International Association of Coaching Institutes (ICI) of Germany
Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming
traditional midwife
Adolfo Schmitt, methods and developments with microdoses (Peru)
Forest Engineer with extensive research on ayahuasca, mushrooms and medicinal plants from the Peruvian Amazon
Co-Founder of Microhuasca and responsible for the operational management
Founding Member of the International Microdosing Association (IMA)
Leads the development of the community therapeutic model for microdoses , in order to create accessible spaces and responsible use among peers
Leads the development of the incremental dosing protocol for microdosing, a microdosing calibration method that promotes deep learning and transformation
6. Application
You can apply if you are a health professional, therapist, coach, healer, researcher, if you work with sacred plants or if you are interested in working in the field of personal development and expanded states of consciousness.
If you are pre-selected, our team will contact you to schedule an interview.