The #1 Ayahuasca Microdosing Program

Live an unforgettable experience that fuses the warmth of an international community, the richness of Amazonian ancestral wisdom and therapeutic and scientific foundations, which will guide you on the journey towards your personal growth and emotional wellbeing.

Our programs offer an integrative path to well-being, self-knowledge, and management of conditions such as depression or anxiety, helping you cultivate a renewed balance between body and mind. If you are ready for this experience, we are here to guide you.


“It is surprising how professionals who work with microdoses have found the Microhuasca model so transformative. It seems to me that it is the most complete and effective currently in the field."

Jakobien Van Der Weijden (Netherlands), co-founder of the Microdosing Institute and the International Microdosing Association

“Microhuasca's work model proposes new bases on what is already being innovated in the field of psychedelics and the most advanced therapies in this regard. It is exciting what is brewing from Latin America.”

Dr. Antoni Aguilar (Spain) - founder at CERCLE Transpersonal


What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is a sacred plant and practice from the Amazon known for its traditional use in ceremonies with indigenous healers to help people deepen their own understanding and treat physical, emotional, cognitive or spiritual conditions in ways that conventional medicine has not been able to achieve.

Proven protocols

In Microhuasca we research, build and apply safe protocols for guided Ayahuasca microdosing processes, which unlike conventional pharmacology, not only alleviate symptoms, but work on healing at the root through introspection, recognition, acceptance and practice throughout life.

In our programs, we share and apply what we have learned from more than 400 cases we have facilitated.



  • Weekly 1.5 hour Virtual Integration Sessions & Sharing Circles

  • Sessions and Support with Your Personal Microdosing Specialist

  • Weekly Reflection Sessions with another microdosing participant (*Essential program)

  • Weekly Videos and Assignments

  • Practical Exercises and Tools For Your Own Personal Expansion

  • Online Microdosing Journal

  • Continuous Access to Learning Materials (Additional quality materials)

  • Opportunity to Become a Facilitator


"I am stunned and delighted by what you have created. It is the finest and clearest and most complete framework I have ever seen about microdosing. It truly feels like the next generation of how we understand and use microdoses is here and that you guys are leading us all."

Dr. James Fadiman (USA), Psychologist and author of "The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide", considered “The Father of Modern Microdosing".


Choose your Journey

Essential Program

Perfect for: People with previous personal work and self-care practices, either on their own, with therapy, with macro and/or microdoses or other consciousness-expanding techniques.

  • Duration: 7 weeks.

  • Individual sessions: 3 sessions with a trained Specialist

  • Peer-to-peer sessions: Weekly meet-ups with another microdoser.

  • Live group sessions:  Weekly community integration sessions.

  • Educational content: Videos, practical tools and exercises.

    USD 900

In-Depth Program

Perfect for: People looking for an intensive guided process with microdosing. If you are interested in becoming a certified facilitator, this experience enables you to begin Certification.

  • Duration:  7 weeks.

  • Individual sessions: 6 sessions with a trained Specialist.

  • Live group sessions: Weekly community integration sessions.

  • Educational content: Videos, practical tools and exercises.

USD 1200


About us

We are Microhuasca, a Peruvian organization, we offer since 2020 therapeutic support and professional training programs in more than 15 countries, with microdoses or small doses of ayahuasca, millenary Amazonian medicine, legal in Peru and very effective for emotional, spiritual, physical and mental health conditions.


Meet some of the creators and educators:


Federico Infante Ph.D.

Transpersonal psychologist

  • With a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the prestigious Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, his wisdom and skills have taken him a long way.

    Co-founder of Microhuasca, Federico is in charge of leading therapeutic developments, always looking for new ways to help those in need. His bright and curious mind led him to create the innovative integration component browser (set and setting) for microdosing, which allows facilitators to explore and address the challenges and benefits of their users in more than 50 different areas.

    In addition, Federico holds the title of President of the Transpersonal Association of Peru, and is a respected teaching member of the Mexican Association of Psychology and Transpersonal Development (AMPYDET). His passion for teaching has led him to share his knowledge with students in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Universidad Tecnológica del Perú (UTP) and in the Faculty of Psychology at the Universidad César Vallejo (UCV).

    Federico has also been a key collaborator in the Ayahuasca Treatment Outcome Project ATOP Peru, supporting its inception from the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (Devida). For him, psychotherapeutic interventions should be based on Transpersonal Psychotherapy, complemented with Humanistic and Psychodynamic approaches, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Ericksonian Hypnotic Induction.

    The combination of his experience, knowledge and skills make him a pioneer in his field, and a respected leader in the world of transpersonal psychology.

Ana Platzer

Transpersonal Coach

  • Ana has been dedicating her life to service and spiritual growth for 18 years. As a Coach specializing in non-ordinary states of consciousness and medicine woman, her connection with nature and ancestral wisdom is a source of inspiration for those around her.

    Ana is co-founder of Microhuasca, where she assumes the responsibility of caring for the network of facilitators, ensuring the quality and well-being of all involved. With a generous heart and a wise mind, she leads the training program for ayahuasca microdose facilitators, creating a network of professionals in more than 10 countries who share her mission of healing and transformation.

    In addition, Ana is a certified Coach by the International Association of Coaching Institutes (ICI) of Germany, which allows her to guide people on their path to self-realization and personal growth.

    Neurolinguistic Programming is also part of her repertoire of skills, enriching her practice and allowing her to adapt to the individual needs of each person. However, her connection with ancestral wisdom goes beyond modern techniques.

    Ana has also worked as a midwife serving her community in the Peruvian jungle.

Adolfo Schmitt

Adolfo Schmitt

Microdosing researcher

  • Adolfo, a forestry engineer passionate about the mystery and magic of the Peruvian Amazon, has dedicated his life to the research of ayahuasca, mushrooms and medicinal plants. His love for nature and his knowledge of its secrets have led him on a path of discovery and transformation.

    As co-founder of Microhuasca, Adolfo assumes responsibility for operational management, ensuring that the organization runs efficiently and effectively. His commitment to research and development of innovative therapies makes him a founding member of the International Microdosing Association (IMA).

    With a vision to create accessible and responsible peer-to-peer spaces, Adolfo leads the development of the community-based therapeutic model for microdosing. This approach allows people to experience the benefits of microdosing in a safe and supportive environment.

    In addition, Adolfo guides the development of the incremental dosing protocol for microdosing, a calibration method that promotes deep learning and transformation. This personalized approach allows each individual to experience the healing power of ayahuasca and other medicinal plants safely and effectively.

    Adolfo, with his wisdom and leadership, becomes a pioneer in the field of microdosing and traditional medicine, creating a bridge between modern science and the ancestral wisdom of the Peruvian Amazon.

Ronald Rivera

Ayahuasquero healer

  • Ronald has been dedicating himself full time to ayahuasca sessions, workshops, retreats and diets for the past 25 years. His heart and spirit are fully committed to helping others find healing and self-knowledge in the present.

    Together with his colleagues, Ronald co-founded Microhuasca, where he assumes the responsibility of preserving and fostering ancestral knowledge. His passion and leadership lead him to develop a specialized food and energy diet system for microdosing ayahuasca, allowing participants to immerse themselves in a deeper and more transformative experience.

    Ronald also holds the position of Vice President and Pucallpa Coordinator of the Nimairama Institute of Transcultural Health and Traditional Medicines. His experience and skills allow him to assume the role of Director of Ayahuasca Wisdom in Pucallpa, Peru, where he shares his knowledge and guides those who seek to learn and grow.

    With a curious mind, Ronald investigates post-materialistic aspects of ayahuasca science, such as remote healing, challenging the boundaries of conventional knowledge. His studies in Philosophy at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) give him a unique and enriching perspective.

    Creativity and art are also part of his life. Ronald authored the book "Arte con Ayahuasca" in 2015 and co-authored "Ayahuasca de la Selva su Espiritu" in 2013, works that reflect his deep respect and connection with the spiritual and ancestral world.

    Through his dedication and wisdom, Ronald becomes a beacon of light for those seeking healing and spiritual growth, guiding them on their path to a brighter and more hopeful future in the here and now.



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We will contact you soon to schedule a call.